United Bank of Union's Seniority Club

United Bank of Union’s Seniority Club is for customers 55 years of age and older and offers unique benefits. Club members are eligible to attend exclusive events, offered discounted travel opportunities, and much more.

Seniority Club Account benefits include:

  • Free, no service charge, interest-bearing* checking account
  • $25 minimum deposit to open
  • Discounts on check orders
  • Free unlimited cashier’s checks and money orders
  • Free notary public service
  • Free photo copies (limited service)
  • Free ATM and Debit Card
  • Free scheduled social events, including United Bank of Union’s annual Seniority Club Picnic in the Park and Christmas Gathering 
  • Discounted travel opportunities (details to come soon)
*Must maintain a $500.00 minimum average balance to obtain advertised APY.

View this year's Picnic in the Park recap video:

Looking for more events with UBU? Check out our dedicated Events page.